My husband called me one night from work and let me know we had orders. He was hesitant I could tell at first, to tell me where we were going. It turned out we had orders to Fort Bragg/Pope AAF. He was not happy about this because this was actually his first assignment and he spent 6 years here prior and he hated it here. I told him not to stress it. It would be totally different now that he has a family and we will be together and that is all that mattered. I had to keep an open mind because I was tired of being in the negative. Belgium just broke me honestly as a person and I was miserable all the time and I couldn't live that way anymore and I didn't want the boys to see me like that. So I went into this expierence with a whole new out look on things. For one it wasn't Belgium, two we would be in the country we love, three there are so many more opportunities here, and four it isn't Belgium haha.
We had quite the ordeal getting home. We basically had no choice in flying home because Brussels airlines wouldn't fly our dogs out. So we had to take Germany and go out of Ramstein AB. We got stuck there for a couple of days due to delays. We finally got out of there and because we had to connect in Baltimore we had to stay there an extra day because we had already missed our connection due to delays and they didn't have another flight to Raleigh for a few days. Then we get to the airport finally going to North Carolina and they tell us they can't fit our German Shepherd on the plane going into Fayetteville NC. It was to small a plane I guess. So they booked us on a flight to Raleigh NC that could accommodate his XL kennel. Relief! I was going to go into all out panic mode. We'd been traveling so I was already stressed and I was going to lose it. Luckily the manage of Delta understood and spared no expense on Delta's dime getting us home. So finally we get to Raleigh and we just rented a SUV and drove to Fayetteville our selves. They were going to drive us down but I just said forget it we will drive our selves.
We have been in the process of buying/building a home here. We decided we didn't want to live in Base housing any more after our nightmare experiences with that and that it was time to just buy. It was going to save us a massive amount of money and we wouldn't be told what to do by some company. We also would be investing in something instead of just flushing rent down the toilet every month. We were in the hotel on Pope AAF for a month and 7 days. It was decent we had 4 bedrooms and a decent kitchen and the boys had other children to play with. It was a pain driving them 30 minutes back and forth every day to the school they were going to but we wanted to have them in the school they would be going to when we eventually got in our house.
We finally closed on the house and we love every minute of it. Well minus all the deposits you have to pay to get all the electricity and water and trash turned on but it's all part of the home owning experience. We chose not to live in Fayetteville because of all the crime that is around so we live a little way away from the base and I am glad we made that decision. The day after we closed on our home, my boys and I went to Georgia for 2 weeks to visit my parents and sisters. So we just finally got back and I am working on unpacking boxes and trying to make my home, a home. I should be back to baking, cooking, and coming up with new recipes once I get everything settled.
I hope to have some new recipes up very soon including the banana split cake that I love and is my favorite thing to eat for the moment. I also am going to continue Friday Favorites. I am really excited about being back in the states. Thanks for following along on my baking adventures.
Here are a few pictures of our life along the way they include first haircuts in the states, house progress as it was being built, yummy cupcakes and dessert, fire ant bites, adorable puppies, and just shenanigans.

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